ALT: Małe dziecko raczkuje po dywanie i sięga ręką po kartkę z zapisem nutowym.
Fot. Magdalena Grzonek

Choir of Moms | weekly workshops for mothers with children


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury
Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4. piętro

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The Mam Choir is a place where mothers sing together and their children accompany them. Classes take place before noon. Then mothers are happy to leave the house anyway and miss the company of other adults.

The Mam Choir is a nationwide initiative created by Małgorzata Zawilska-Rosprzedek to support mothers during pregnancy and their children in the first years of their lives. You don’t have to be able to sing to have fun and benefit from the beneficial effects of singing on your body and mind.

Chorus I’ve Got This:

  • company of other mothers at a similar stage of life,
  • possibility of vocal development,
  • understanding for diaper changes, feeding, crying, lateness, and sudden early changes
    going out and other hardships of motherly life,
  • a forum for exchanging thoughts, asking for advice and sharing joys,
  • additional activities, e.g. exchange of clothes and toys, support in returning to work, etc.

Why we sing:

  • because singing has therapeutic properties. And it doesn’t have to be beautiful singing, for evaluation or for the audience. Just take a breath, open your mouth and… let it flow!
  • because you can sing in a group of any size, and we need a group,
  • because we want to develop, and new songs give us (and our children) this opportunity,
  • because we need activities for ourselves,
  • because some of us loved singing and are eager to return to our former passion.


Group I – Thursdays, 10:00-12:00

Group II – Thursdays, 12:00-14:00

First meeting on November 16, 2023.

The first hour is devoted to singing, and the second hour is time for mothers with children.


Anastasiia Pugachowa – Anastazja from Mariupol has been living in Toruń for 8 years and has been a mother for 7 years. From the first days of her stay in our city, she has been involved in vocal initiatives. She sang in the Academic Choir of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the church choir in the Orthodox Parish of Saint Nicholas. Since 2020, she has been singing in the rock band @‌NAStalgia, with which she won the music competition of the Toruń Cultural Agenda in 2022. She conducted music workshops for young people and music therapy for families. And in the summer, as part of the Polish-Ukrainian picnic, she conducted a choral improvisation class at WOAK. She is convinced that a good mother is a happy mother, and pursuing a mother’s passion is much more beneficial for the child’s well-being than total sacrifice. Because by observing a fulfilled and happy mother every day, the toddler learns from her how to fulfill himself and be happy, and I think that’s what every mother wants.

Adrianna Zloch – coordinator of the Choir of Moms in Toruń, wife, mother of two children, culture expert and familiologist.
