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Moms to Moms | concert by the Moms Choir


26.05.2024 | 17:00


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury
Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 5. piętro | sala widowiskowa

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Additional information

Duration of the event: about 1 hour

Ticket: 15 PLN

We invite you to a unique concert. Since autumn, mothers have been meeting at WOAK every Thursday rehearsals to enjoy singing together. On Mother’s Day we will give them the floor and our stage to share their joy with you.

The repertoire of the Toronto Moms’ Choir includes timeless hits: from the Beatles, to Seweryn Krajewski and Apple Blossom, to Metallica. Come and listen to non-obvious versions of songs you’re sure to know. The rich three-voice arrangements combined with the lively joy of singing together will put you in a wonderful mood and will be a wonderful culmination of your Mother’s Day celebration. This is a concert from moms for moms, but not only. Dads, grandmas, grandpas, young people, single people and the elderly – everyone is welcome!

The Moms’ Choir is a nationwide initiative, created by Malgorzata Zawilska-Rospędek to support moms during pregnancy and the first years of their children’s lives. At the Provincial Center for Cultural Animation, the choristers have been singing since January under the watchful eye and ear of Asia Czajkowska: singer, songwriter, voice enthusiast and vocal coach.

Adrianna Zloch is the group’s coordinator.
