Photo: Karolina Kasprzak Cultural participation research report When 01.06.2023 Exactly on International Children’s Day, the premiere of ‘My First Space Odyssey’ took place. The play has now been performed almost twenty times. Parents who attended the performances with their children were asked to participate in a survey on the expectations and cultural needs of parents of children aged 0-3.The survey was conducted and its results compiled by Magdalena Jasińka. We are publishing the research report on the project website. We are convinced that the conclusions presented there will be inspiring for all cultural animators and cultural life organisers.You will find there, among other things, answers to the questions:How to encourage parents of children aged 0-3 to participate in culture?What do parents consider to be the most important elements of a cultural offer?What elements do they consider the most important in a cultural offer for children aged 0-3?We encourage you to read the report.Report (.pdf)The study took place as part of the project ‘My first space odyssey’ – an activity carried out by the Provincial Centre for Cultural Animation in Toruń in partnership with Elefantteatret from Stravanger/ Norway.The project is co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. See more Exhaling. Reinforcement meeting | workshop 30.11.2025 About the development of people working in culture | Thursday breakfast 10.04.2025 | 11:00 DKJo! The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dalí 03.04.2025 | 18:30