Na zdjęciu znajduje się dwanaście osób. Zgromadzeni są oni w dużej białej sali.  Wspólnie zasiadają wokół prostokątnego stołu, na którym postawiono talerze z jedzeniem i dzbanek z napojem. Każda osoba ma przed sobą niebieską filiżankę na talerzyku, w tym samym kolorze. Kilka osób ma przed sobą także notatnik i długopis. Po prawej stronie widać fragment okna w czarnej ramie, a nad nim biała klimatyzacja. Na wprost na białym suficie znajdują się dwa, kwadratowe żyrandole, z których pada światło na całe pomieszczenie.

About the culture of excess / about excess in culture | Thursday Breakfast #12


13.02.2025 | 11:00


Provincial Center for Culture Animation
Toruń, 75-77 Kościuszki St. | 5th floor | auditorium room

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To register your participation fill out:

Application form

Additional information

Meeting duration: approximately 3 hours

Phone/SMS contact: 691 061 875

Excess in culture manifests itself in the number of events, overproduction of gadgets or advertising materials. Sometimes, in the pursuit of indicators or audience needs, we do too much in culture – and not only the quality of the program suffers, but also the institution’s team and audiences, who have to choose between events that are implemented at the same time.

At the next Thursday Breakfast, we will talk about how to produce less without losing sight of our audiences. We will consider to what level multiplicity enriches our lives, and when we should say “stop” to ourselves. Together we will think about what are the causes of the culture of excess and look for solutions on how to prevent it.

Thursday Breakfasts are discussions where all voices are treated equally, and the essence is to meet and exchange experiences. All those involved in the cultural and creative sector are invited.

The guest speaker at the meeting will be Grazyna Pol, a social researcher who heads the Research and Analysis Department at the National Cultural Center. As of 2019, she is developing a research program on the culture of excess at the NCK.
