Dziesięcioosobowa grupa osób w  różnym wieku. Większość z nich stoi tyłem. Na środku, soi młody mężczyzna w czarnych włosach z zarostem w okularach. Ma na sobie czarną koszulkę i czarne spodnie.  Wyciąga swoja lewą rękę do dziewczyny stojącej przed nim na powitanie. Po prawej stronie stoi starszy pan ubrany w białą koszulę i czarne spodnie z okularami na twarzy. Uśmiecha sie patrząc na witającą się parę. W tle stoi biała ściana z czarna belką u góry. Po lewej stronie widać  mały fragment okna w czarnej ramię, a nad nim biały sufit.
Photo by Julia Marszewska

Connecting us (Young) Theatre | workshops


29.03.2025 | 10:00-15:00


Provincial Center for Culture Animation Toruń,
ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4th floor | room 407

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Free entry

Additional information

Registration through the Registration Form is mandatory:

We are united by (Young) Theater, or meet people who love theater just like you!

This is another meeting in a series of quarterly theater workshops that integrate people who share a common passion.

It’s an opportunity to exchange experiences, practice and inspire each other, as well as build relationships between people who create or want to create theater in our province. The workshop is also a great excuse to maintain the ties made during the September Young Theater Festival.

The meeting will be led by coordinators of the Young Theater Festival. The theme of the workshop will be exercises and tasks that integrate and strengthen group work.

For whom.

The meetings are open to both people who are already forming existing theater groups, as well as individuals who attend theater workshops or just want to start developing in this direction.

We invite people over the age of 15 (no upper limit) who live/study/work in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province.

How to sign up?

Participation in the workshop is free of charge. Just fill out a simple form:

If you sign up and want to cancel, please write an email to , that way you won’t take someone else’s place.

Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state earmarked fund.
