Universal cultural design – accessibility in cultural institutions

The Provincial Center for Cultural Animation participates in the project of the National Center for Culture and the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities “Universal Design of Culture – Accessibility in Cultural Institutions”. This is a series of training courses that address the topic of accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities and seniors in the activities of cultural institutions from different perspectives. Together with 151 other cultural institutions in Poland, we will benefit from an extensive training package over the next 3 years. Ahead of us is the participation in nearly 30 on-site, online and webinar trainings.

The aim of the project is to improve the accessibility of cultural institutions in the implementation of cultural offerings and develop cooperation with people with different needs. The project focuses on further implementation of the “Accessible Culture Model”, developed and tested as part of the Culture Without Barriers project. The project will also increase the knowledge and competence of WOAK employees in the field of accessibility in culture. With the skills gained, we will be able to create an inclusive space for all our audiences, taking into account their different needs.

Detailed information about the project can be found at: https://nck.pl/szkolenia-i-rozwoj/projektowanie-uniwersalne-kultury

The “Universal Design of Culture – Accessibility in Cultural Institutions” project is financed by the European Union under Measure 3.3 “Systemic Improvement of Accessibility” of Priority III “Accessibility and Services for Persons with Disabilities” of the European Funds for Social Development Program 2021-2027.

The project is implemented by the National Cultural Center in partnership with the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.
