EU Funds Festivals “Culture for Health!”

ALT: Logotyp projektu Kultura na zdrowie. Niebiesko tło, u góry żółty napis Festyn funduszy unijnych. Poniżej kolorowy napis kultura. Na dole niebieski napis na zdrowie. Zamiast litery O w słowie zdrowie czerwone serduszko z symbolicznie pokazanym zapisem EKG.

The aim of the project is to inform, with the use of cultural activities, about the investments that have been made with EU funds at the disposal of the Marshal’s Office of Toruń.

Four towns (not exceeding 12 thousand inhabitants), located in four different counties, have been invited to the project.

All events will be held in open-air, in places related to EU funds, on the dates: September 30 and October 1, 7 and 8.

We decided on a series of 4 events kept in the form of popular family festivals, which we entitled Culture for Health!

We invited the following localities to the project:

30.09 – Strzelno

1.10 – Golub Dobrzyn

7.10 – Płużnica

8.10 – Brodnica

The starting point for creating a program of activities was the desire to show in an attractive way how much our province owes to EU funds and how Polish reality has changed over the past 18 years thanks to subsidies. These changes are particularly visible in smaller towns, which have gained so much thanks to EU funds.

Four zones will be located during each of the events: a concert zone, an animation zone, a foodtruck zone and a medical demonstration zone.

A large stage will be erected in all locations, while a led wall will be installed in the light of the stage. The wall will display spots informing about investments made in the region with EU funds.

The organizer of the events is the Local Government of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Producer: Provincial Center for Cultural Animation and Art Connections Foundation.

The events are co-financed by the Regional Operational Program of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
