W centrum znajduje się sześć młodych dziewczyn w białych sukienkach wchodzące do wody. W swoich rękach trzymają zapalone pochodnie, z widocznym płomieniem ognia.  Jedna z nich ma odwróconą głowę i patrzy za siebie. Przed nimi jak i wokół znajdują się rośliny, które odbijają się w wodzie.  Za nimi po prawej i lewej stoją dwie kobiety robiące im zdjęcie.

“Flesz” photography group




Provincial Centre for Cultural Animation
ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4. floor

Show on map


Marharyta Rubanenko


Pay for classes

Additional information

We invite you to join us on Wednesdays from 17:00-19:00,
The first class will be held on October 2, 2024.

Are you passionate about photography? Do you want to learn to take pictures, meet people with similar interests, sensibilities? Do you feel that it will do you good to spend time creating together? Do you dream of creating your own photographic projects, but don’t know how to go about it? Or do you plan to take up photography professionally?

If, to any of these questions, you answer yes, it’s a sign to join our photography group!

Through the workshop:

  • you will learn the basics and different areas of photography
  • you will learn how to work with daylight, steady and flash light
  • you will take part in professional photo sessions
  • you will realize unique sessions during photo plein airs
  • you will learn how to write applications for art scholarships
  • you will develop and implement a long-term photographic project
  • you will present your works at a group exhibition
  • you will build your portfolio
  • you will learn how to present your photos on the Internet and attract clients
  • you will meet great people who share your passion

For whom.

Meetings open to anyone interested from the age of 16, regardless of photography skills.

Joanna Piecyk – photographer, graduate of journalism and social communication and cultural studies at UMK in Toruń. She conducts individual and group workshops (among others at the “I am Association”), organizes exhibitions and consultations. She deals with portrait, documentary, business and event photography. Together with her husband, she runs the agency “CYK media”, where they create branding materials for business: photos, video and websites. A lover of ethnography. Twice awarded in the national photographic competition “Etnoklimaty”. She has also repeatedly documented projects carried out as part of the “EtnoPolska” or “Culture – Interventions” programs of the National Cultural Center.

Guest speaker:
Łukasz Piecyk – photographer, cameraman, drone pilot. He gained experience in the course of photojournalistic assignments, covering the most important events in Torun and Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. Four-time winner of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Press Foto. He is currently focusing on photography for business in portrait sessions and employer branding.

The monthly cost of participation in the workshop is PLN 100.

The condition for admission to the classes is payment for each month in advance.
We recommend paying online, through your own account set up in the class system https://woak.bilety24.pl/lista-warsztatow/
Those participating in the previous 2023/2024 class season who are account users do not need to create an account again.
For those without email, it is possible to create an account and purchase a ticket at the box office.
It is possible to purchase a ticket at the box office one hour before the first meeting of the month.

Log in or register in our system**:** https://woak.bilety24.pl/lista-warsztatow/

Brief instructions on how to sign up:

  • Create an account. You can do this in two ways:

(a) by clicking the “register” button in the upper right corner. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. Once you’ve done that, click “log in” in the upper right corner and enter the login (your email) and password you set.
b) logging in via Facebook or Google account – click “sign in” in the upper right corner, and then select the option for quick login by clicking on the Facebook or Google icon

  • After logging in, create a profile of the person attending the class. Click on “Your account” in the upper right corner. Then select the “workshops” tab and click the orange “add participant” button. Fill in the first name, last name and year of birth of the person who attends the class (enter your information or your child’s, if he or she is the one attending the workshop).
  • From the top menu, select the option “WORKSHOPS”. – you will see a list of all permanent classes. Select the classes you want to sign up for. Going to the sub-page you will see their description, date, instructor and schedule of all classes for this season.
  • If the class you are signing up for has a group breakdown, click on the box under “Details and Groups” and select the group you are interested in (if the class has one group, skip this step).
  • Click on the orange “REGISTER” button, and then on the “select variant” button. Select the type of ticket (some classes, but not all, have different ticket variants) and click “SAVE”.
  • Click on the “proceed to payment” button. You will hit the shopping cart, where you will see the tickets you have selected. If you don’t want to buy anything else, click “NEXT.” You will be asked to enter your payment details – name, surname, phone number and payment type. The site will then redirect you to the payment page.

For the new 2024/2025 season, participants of previous seasons do not have to create an account from scratch. Instead, they must re-enroll on the selected site using the “Enroll or Login to Class” button. Then by clicking on the red “Enroll” button and following the same steps as described above (points 3-6).
