Po lewej stronie stoi duży plakat reklamowy przedstawiający rysunkową  postać nagiej kobiety w długich włosach z zamkniętymi oczami. Wokół głolwy na białych falach znajdują się złote i fioletowe gwiazdy.  Obie ręce ma zgięte w łokciach, a dłonie skierowane do góry. Na jej klatce piersiowej niebieski kształt, e którym jest mniejsze żółte koło, a w nim bordowa gwiazda. Niżej zamieszczony biały logotyp WOAK-u z podpisem. Niżej zaś złoty napis Młody teatr myślnik ciąg dalszy. Wszystkie elementy umieszczone są na ciemnym tle. Pod ścianą  po prawej, na kanapie siedzi troje nastolatków. Chłopak siedzi na oparciu odwrócony w prawo i opowiada coś koleżankom przed nim. Naprzeciwko tej trójki siedzą jeszcze dwie dziewczyny, które się nad czymś zastanawiają. Wszyscy ubrani są w białe koszule i długie spodnie.
Fot. Julia Marszewska

Young Theatre – acting groups for people 16+




Provincial Centre for Cultural Animation
Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4. floor | auditorium

Show on map

New recruitment for Young Theater groups will begin in September 2025.

We are looking for people who want to develop their acting and creative skills in a safe and supportive atmosphere, and meet people with similar interests to create Young Theater together!

We invite those who are looking for their place in the artistic world and feel that Young Theater will become it.

The program of weekly workshops will include the following topics:

  • Elementary acting tasks – the basic tool of acting work
  • Principles of building a theatrical etude step by step
  • Basics of working with voice, impostation and pronunciation
  • Movement and physical training
  • Body awareness
  • Developing creativity and stage imagination
  • Improvisation solo and with partners
  • Principles of healthy communication in a group
  • Formulation of constructive feedback

All workshops will be conducted in the spirit of experiential learning, and many will culminate in the creation of scenes and other performance activities.

Eager participants will have the opportunity to create a performance together during the summer of 2025 – rehearsal dates will be determined during the school year.

For whom.
We invite people over the age of 16 (no upper age limit) interested in theater, acting, creating performing arts and personal development using these disciplines.

Beginner group (hours 4:00-6:00 pm) – for people who want to start their theatrical and acting development at Young Theater.

Advanced group (hours 18:00-20:00) – for people who participate or have once participated in Young Theater workshops.

IMPORTANT: one person can attend only one of the groups.


Joanna Rozkosz and Wojciech Jaworski – theater educators and actors of the Wilam Horzyca Theater. Leading the Young Theater since its inception.

Registration and fees:

Price: 20 PLN/month

Enrollment in the workshops is subject to payment for each month in advance.
Those participating in the previous 2023/2024 class season who are account users do not need to create an account again.
For those without email, it is possible to create an account and purchase a ticket at the box office.
It is possible to purchase a ticket at the box office one hour before the first meeting of the month.

Log in or register in our system**:** https://woak.bilety24.pl/lista-warsztatow/

Brief instructions on how to sign up:

  • Create an account. You can do this in two ways:

(a) by clicking the “sign up” button in the upper right corner. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. Once you’ve done that, click “log in” in the upper right corner and enter the login (your email) and password you set.
b) logging in via Facebook or Google account – click “sign in” in the upper right corner, and then select the option for quick login by clicking on the Facebook or Google icon

  • After logging in, create a profile of the person attending the class. Click on “Your account” in the upper right corner. Then select the “workshops” tab and click the orange “add participant” button. Fill in the first name, last name and year of birth of the person who attends the class (enter your information or your child’s, if he or she is the one attending the workshop).
  • From the top menu, select the option “WORKSHOPS”. – you will see a list of all permanent classes. Select the classes you want to sign up for. Going to the sub-page you will see their description, date, instructor and schedule of all classes for this season.
  • If the class you are signing up for has a group breakdown, click on the box under “Details and Groups” and select the group you are interested in (if the class has one group, skip this step).
  • Click on the orange “REGISTER” button, and then on the “select variant” button. Select the type of ticket (some classes, but not all, have different ticket variants) and click “SAVE”.
  • Click on the “proceed to payment” button. You will hit the shopping cart, where you will see the tickets you have selected. If you don’t want to buy anything else, click “NEXT.” You will be asked to enter your payment details – name, surname, phone number and payment type. The site will then redirect you to the payment page.

For the new 2024/2025 season, participants of previous seasons do not have to create an account from scratch. Instead, they must re-enroll on the selected site using the “Enroll or Login to Class” button. Then by clicking on the red “Enroll” button and following the same steps as described above (points 3-6).

Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state earmarked fund.

Subsidized by the budget of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian local government.
