ALT: Czarno-białe portrety Julii Sieczkowskiej i Marcela Boguszewskiego. Kobieta po lewej stronie ujęta jest z prawego półprofilu, mężczyzna po prawej z lewego półprofilu. Oboje spoglądają w przestrzeń i są lekko uśmiechnięci.

Marcel Boguszewski & Julia Sieczkowska | After the credits


10.10.2023 | 18:00


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4 piętro

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Free entry

Marcel Boguszewski – born in Siedlce in 2000. Bachelor of Arts, graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in the field of Media Art and Visual Education in Toruń; Currently, he is continuing his education at a master’s degree. The main areas of artistic activity are stop-motion animation, drawing and illustration.

“Paciorek” is a stop-motion animation based on the author’s experiences. The hero leads a seemingly gray and boring life in an apartment consisting of three rooms: a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. He spends his time performing routine activities until an episode of psychosis breaks him out of his everyday life, causing chaos and fear. The previously known and safe four walls of each room suddenly become a cage with no escape route, and the only thing left is to face the growing psychosis. “Paciorek” is based on Marcel Boguszewski’s personal experiences after quitting neuroleptic medications during the first wave of Covid-19 in 2020. The animation is intended to reflect the helplessness and fear that occurs when the symptoms of the disease increase, especially during the lockdown, when you cannot escape from your home, which becomes a prison.

Julia Sieczkowska (born 1999) is a fifth-year student of Multimedia Graphics at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. His works are inspired by everyday life and pop culture.

Windy night. No light. The animation “Light” is a story that can happen to any of us. We meet her heroine in a rather prosaic situation, when she struggles with the lack of light on a windy night. But is it really prosaic? Maybe there’s something more behind it? Paranoia, multitude of thoughts, heightened senses. When the light goes out, does our sensitivity go out with it?

Free entrance!

If you are a filmmaker and would like to present your work, please contact Grzegorz Kaźmierski. We are looking for projects that bring a new perspective on the art of film and represent the wealth of talent in our region. Selected films will be shown during subsequent “After the Credits” meetings. You will meet a demanding but friendly audience.

More information:
Grzegorz Kaźmierski
tel./text 609 662 968
