Grafika przedstawia gwiazdki o różnych wielkościach i kształtach. Są one w kolorach ciemnozielonym, jasnoniebieskim i czarnym. Od górnego ramienia każdej z nich odchodzi biała pionowa kreska. Przez co wydaje się jakby wisiały na cienkich nitkach. Znajdują się one na czerwonym tle w białe i czarne kropki.

Wishes from the WOAK team

On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, we wish you to spend and spend these days as you like.

A little free time for reading that gives you respite from everyday life and inspires you to new challenges. Many conversations with your loved ones. A note of nostalgia with stories reaching back to the past and a joyful twinkle in your eye as you make bold plans for the future.

Experience surprising combinations of flavors, evocative aromas, soothing sounds or a few moments of silence.

In the new year, do not stop exploring the world, let yourself be surprised by its charms, but always follow your own paths. If you want to discover new places and spaces – fulfill these plans; if you prefer to breathe in your private space – we wish you that, too.

