Wystawa malarstwa pod tytułem: ,,Art Spririt...co wyście zmalowali?" Po lewej stronie stoi kolorowy baner informacyjny. Po prawej pomarańczowo-niebieski plakat WOAKI-u z napisem Tu słychać sztukot- pośrodku.

See paintings painted with sincere emotions



During the vacations, a group of people fascinated by painting participated in the workshop “Sprint after techniques with Tomasz Cebo”. Over the course of five days, paintings referring to various styles were created: from realism to action painting. Be sure to see the exhibition summarizing the workshop. See for yourself how diverse and unique images can be created when sincere art is created. As Tomasz Cebo, curator of the exhibition and workshop leader, pointed out: “In art, sincerity counts and emotions count.”

You can view the exhibition until the end of September on the first floor of the Culture Mill (75-77 Kosciuszko St.); on weekdays from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and also before and during events held at WOAK.
