fot. Karol Zamorski The art of running a good meeting | training When 12-13.10.2024 | 9:00-15:00 Where Provincial Centre for Cultural Animation Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4. floor | room 407 Show on map We are looking for six people/duets to lead hour-long discussions during the 2nd Kuyavian-Pomeranian Cultural CongressWhat we offerfree participation in the training course “The art of conducting a good meeting The opportunity to lead one of six discussions during the II Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of CulturesThe art of conducting a good meeting I trainingWe all constantly participate in or conduct meetings However, whether they are good, whether we leave them with a sense of accomplished purpose and being listened to, or with a sense of frustration and wasted time depends largely on the person leading the meetingFacilitation is the art of leading a meeting in such a way as to move the group toward a common goal and keep everyone involved engaged The word facilitation comes from the Latin facilitate, to make more accessible and to facilitate Facilitating a joint discussion – for ourselves and for those participating – will be the focus of our 2-day workshopWe will learn about– models for conducting meetings– communication techniques that support a good discussion– elements of the group process– principles of giving feedback to each other – we will work in a workshop and in a safe group practice facilitation skillsand together we will define the role and desired attitude of the person leading the meeting and the tasks facing him/herFor whomWe invite people who want to improve their meeting/process facilitation skills and test them in practice by leading a discussion during the 2nd Kuyavian-Pomeranian Cultural Congress to participateThe training is directed exclusively to people who work in the cultural sector in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province You can apply to participate individually or in a duoModeratorMagdalena JasinskTrainer, facilitator, researcher, project coordinator and animator of culture. Educated as a theatrologist (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) and a specialist in social communication and PR (WSB Merito). Member of the NGO Trainers Association sTOP. Cooperates with NGOs and cultural institutions. In the Foundation Pracownia Zrównoważonego Rozwoju she is responsible for project coordination, training and facilitation of meetings. She trains in interpersonal communication, helps build project teams and works with different audiencesRegistration and terms of participationParticipation in the training is free of charge Enrollment is accepted until September 30 through the application form: on the applications received, the WOAK team, together with the training leader, will select 6 people (or pairs) invited to participate The results of the selection will be emailed to each of the applicants by October 4Those who pass the training are obliged to lead one of the hour-long discussions during the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of Culture on October 24 at 13:30 – We put forward postulates for Kuyavian-Pomeranian culture – working in six groupspostulates for cooperation with communities Postulates for cooperation with local authorities Postulates for cooperation with business and the creative sector Postulates for cooperation with schools, kindergartens and nurseries demands for cooperation with universities and research institutes postulates for cooperation with the mediaThe purpose of each discussion will be to develop postulates on each of the given topics and present them at the end of the CongressFor leading the discussion, the facilitator(s) will receive a salary of PLN 300 gross See more Exhaling. Reinforcement meeting | workshop 30.11.2025 About the development of people working in culture | Thursday breakfast 10.04.2025 | 11:00 DKJo! The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dalí 03.04.2025 | 18:30