Na zdjęciu artysta Cebo, który na twarzy ma okulary, ubrany jest w czarny kapelusz i żółtą koszulkę. Za nim znajduje się na całej wielkości zdjęcia żółty obraz z błękitnymi śladami pędzla
Fot. TO masz CEBO

Sprint through techniques with Tomasz Cebo | painting workshop for youth 12+ and adults


19-23 sierpnia (pon.-pt.) w godz. 10:00-14:00


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury
Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77

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350 zł przy zakupie biletu do dnia 15 lipca 2024

+ Buy ticket

Additional information

The condition for holding the workshop is the gathering of a minimum number of participants.

The organizer provides the necessary art materials for the participating persons.

The opening on August 29, 2024 at 18:00 on the first floor of the Cultural Mill.

The event will be reported to the Board of Education.

Are you interested in painting? Are you going to art college and want to improve your skills? Or maybe you just want to develop your passions? We invite you to a five-day course where you will learn various painting techniques.

For whom.

The workshop is aimed at young people 12+ and adults.

During the painting workshop you will learn selected painting techniques – five over five consecutive days. It’s Your Cebo will inspire you and encourage you to express yourself creatively. Find the artist in you!

At the end of the workshop, we will prepare an exhibition of works of those participating on the first floor of the Cultural Mill.

  • Day One: Expressionism. Expressionists sought to bring out exceptional, distorted, pathological phenomena. They used associative symbols, appealing to the dark corners of the human subconscious. They depicted deformed reality to convey a subjective vision of it.
  • Day Two: Abstractionism. Such a realization of the work, in which it is devoid of all illustrative qualities, and the artist does not try to imitate nature. The authors use various means of expression through which they “represent something”.
  • Day Three: Impressionism. Characteristic of this direction is the desire of artists to capture the mood of the moment expressed by pure – usually bright – colors, contrasting chiaroscuro, unusual angle of view, disturbed compositional balance.
  • Day Four: Realism (landscape). This is a type of painting depicting real or imagined views of the landscape by the artist/artist. Its elements may include the sea, mountains, forests, meadows, animals, buildings, streets, among others.
  • Day five: Action Painting. Gesture painting – a painting technique and trend within Abstract Expressionism, involving the use of a spontaneous, unconstrained by painting rules gesture of directly pouring paint onto the canvas.


Want to participate in the workshop :
Buy a ticket and within 5 days you will receive by email a form to fill out.
Sequence of applications applies, the number of places is limited!


350 PLN when purchasing a ticket up to and including July 15, 2024
400 PLN when purchasing a ticket from July 16 of the year
Registration lasts until July 31 of the year or until all available seats are sold out. The order of ticket purchase is decisive.
The workshop is conditional on a minimum number of participants.


CEBO – musician, performer and painter, born at 8:03 a.m. in Zlotow in 1980. Graduate (2005) of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. During his studies he was awarded several times a scholarship from the Academy of Fine Arts, as well as a scholarship from the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region and the Mayor of the City of Toruń.

In his painting he refers to New Expressionism, figurative painting and Abstract Expressionism, creating his own original style. His paintings are available in collections and galleries around the world – from New York to Torun.

Features of his work include:

  • action painting, which he describes as “chlap,” where the speed of the gesture predates Pollock’s
  • infantilism, manifested in letters, unfinished words, often written backwards and swapped places. This is a direct reference to Basquiat’s
  • landscape, which is an intrinsic motif of his works, from the realistic to the modified surreal world.

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The organizer does not provide food for those attending.
