Photo by Monika Sieklucka Learn about the herstories of the female painters of the Wroclaw Faience | on Saturday at 17:00 performative reading This is the last opportunity to participate live in the performative reading “Fajansowe dziewczyny”, which was created a year ago during the Festival of Forgotten Cultures “Fajans_storie”. The script is based on a series of interviews with women painters from the Faience Factory in Wloclawek.Come and find out what it was like to work at the factory in Wloclawek, what relationships the women working there had. We will talk about what they faced every day – about pleasant and unpleasant things. About funny and sad situations. We will also touch on the subject of emotions that accompanied the women in connection with the closure of the factory in 1991. Script: Iwona Konecka, based on the stories of the women painters from the Wloclawek Faience factory and their relativesDirected by: Katarzyna PągowskaActresses: Wieslawa Chmielewska, Zuzanna Hillar, Agata Matecka, Aleksandra Matuszewska, Zofia Papinska, Regina Pietruszewska, Ingeborga Rynkiewicz, Jolanta Teska, Danuta Wiese. Free admission! see more… See more Exhaling. Reinforcement meeting | workshop 30.11.2025 CREATIVE FERMENT 31.12.2025 National Greenhouse Film Festival 28.02.2025