Dwie osoby rozmawiające ze sobą. Na czerwonym fotelu, odwrócony lewym bokiem, siedzi dyrektor WOAKu Łukasz Wudarski. Ma na sobie czarną skórzaną kurtkę i czarne spodnie. Po jego prawej stronie, na turkusowej kanapie siedzi kobieta. Ubrana jest w czerwoną tunikę i czarne spodnie. W swojej prawej ręce trzyma mikrofon. Przed nią stoi czarny stolik, a na nim dzbanek i dwie szklanki wypełnione wodą, a także  notatki. W tle widać czarny ekran, na którym z lewej strony wyświetlono błękitny, pogrubiony napis: festiwal filmowy szklarnia w trzech liniach. Obok napisu znajduje się kilka błękitnych, cienkich, zaokrąglonych, linii. Są one ułożone jedna za druga co swoim wyglądem przypominają fragment obiektywu aparatu bądź kamery.
Photo by Piotr Nykowski

National Film Festival “Greenhouse” | February 28-March 2.

Remember these dates: February 28-March 2. Workshops, meetings with outstanding filmmakers, screenings of short films from all over Poland – all this we have prepared for you as part of the second edition of the National Film Festival “Greenhouse”. We invite all those who make or would like to start making films, as well as admirers and fans of independent cinema to participate.

  • If you want to show your film to a wide audience in a professional cinema hall, submit it!
  • If you want to develop your skills in various aspects of filmmaking, sign up for workshops;
  • If you want to watch breathtakingly fresh short films, just come to the screenings.

The idea behind the National Greenhouse Film Festival is to create a supportive filmmaking environment. There are no juries, no awards and no judging, instead you can count on constructive feedback, knowledge from experts and discussion of your ideas.

On the other hand, the festival is a unique opportunity to gain practical skills, explore the art of filmmaking and make friends with other creative people. Full of passion and fascinated by the world of cinema.

Apply! Show your film and/or participate in a workshop!

The partner of the National Greenhouse Film Festival is the Local Government of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and also: Centrum Cinema in the Center for Contemporary Art “Signs of the Times” in Toruń, Pers and Studio M6 Foundation.
