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fot. Julia Marszewska

Shoot yourself in 24 hours | film challenge


30.08.2024 | 15:30

WOAK, Kino Centrum and the Student Government of the 1st Copernicus High School invite you to a unique film challenge: Shoot yourself in 24 hours!

Create with your team a short film etude on a drawn topic and present it in front of an audience. There is one condition… you only have 24 hours to do everything!

Are you interested in filmmaking? Do you love to create? Do you know how to shoot and edit short shorts? Do you want to try your hand at directing? Do you enjoy performing in front of the camera? Or maybe you are interested in fashion, make-up? If at least one answer is YES – take part in our challenge!


Teams of 2-5 people draw a topic and film genre and have exactly 24 hours to create a script, shoot and edit a short film.
The shorts can last a maximum of 10 minutes, and the rest is up to your imagination!
At the end, we will meet at the Center Cinema at the CCA for a screening of all the etudes.


The challenge has no age restrictions – if you have a team and want to prove yourself, apply!


You apply with a ready-made team (2 to 5 people) by filling out a short form: https://forms.gle/9VxGiot94md1KXpH6


  • August 30 at 15:30 we meet in the main lobby of the CCA for the drawing of etude topics
  • August 31 at 15:30 – deadline for delivery/submission of ready to play etudes
  • August 31 at 16:00 – screenings of the etudes at the Center Cinema (Waly Gen. Sikorskiego 13, CCA building).


Voivodeship Center for Animation Culture
