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Fot. Paweł Jachimowicz

As in a kaleidoscope | Exhibition of the photographic group of the I AM Association


Wernisaż: 4 października, godzina 12:00 | wystawa czynna do 20 października


Free entry

Have you ever wondered how many different perspectives one can look at the world from? How many different ways? Check out the exhibition “As in a Kaleidoscope,” on display at WOAK from October 4 to 20, and see for yourself that these perspectives are indeed many.

As the curator, Joana Piecyk, explains, the exhibition is a collection of works that encourage us to catch changes in the surrounding reality. Recognizing that (as Szymborska wrote) nothing happens twice, and the surrounding reality can change in the blink of an eye – as in a kaleidoscope. It’s also an encouragement to experiment and test how many different ways we can look at the world, what we manage to conjure up from the same objects, and finally – what has a greater impact on the final result of a given work – the photographed object or the artist?

The exhibition is very diverse. Among the photos, you will find architectural photography, as well as the results of studio experiments with still life, crystals and light or cyanotypes.

The works were created during photography workshops at I am – Association for Assistance to Disabled Children and People in Need of Support. Their authors are people of great sensitivity and impressive determination, who have created hundreds, if not thousands of photos over the past year. The best of them were included in the exhibition.


  • Maria Milarska
  • Marcin Wardaliński
  • Marcin Piaskowski
  • Miłosz Hartel
  • Natalia Urbańska
  • Marek Szporka
  • Zofia Kosewska
  • Stanisław Byrski
  • Paweł Jachimowicz

Curator of the exhibition: Joanna Piecyk

Event partner: I am -Association for Assistance to Disabled Children and People in Need of Support.
