Budynek Wojewódzkiego Ośrodka Animacji Kultury w zimowej scenerii. Przed budynkiem widać łodygi drzewa, oprószonych śniegiem.

Holidays at WOAK

If you are spending your holidays in Toruń or the surrounding area; if you have a head full of artistic ideas that you want to realize, or if you just want to spend your time creatively in great company… We invite you to WOAK for semi-colonies – workshops combining various artistic disciplines: music, photography, theater and film.

In the first week of the holidays, the Film and Photography half-camp for youth 12-15 will be led by Grzegorz Kazmierski and Joanna Piecyk, while the Intensive Vocal Workshop for youth 15+ and adults will be led by the irreplaceable Joanna Czajkowska. In the second week of the holidays, the workshop (for youth 15+ and adults) Let Yourself Sing will be led by Ariel Radomiński, and the Theater and Music Semi-Colony for youth 12-15 will be led by Ola Matuszewska and Tomasz Cebo.

We conduct the workshops in small groups – the number of places is limited. Sign up by February 5!
