Obraz Gustawa Klimta pod tytułem Pocałunek przedstawia mężczyznę i kobietę na kolorowej łące. Czarnowłosy mężczyzna, z wieńcem z zielonych liści na głowie. Pochyla się lekko nad klęczącą z jego lewej strony kobietą. Całuje ją w jej prawy policzek. Na jej jasnobrązowych włosach leży kolorowy wianek. Kobieta jest ubrana w jasnożółtą sukienkę w kolorowe kwiaty. Mężczyzna jest osłonięty szatą, w tym  samym kolorze. Zdobią ja różnej wielkości prostokąty. Mają one kolor żółty, biały, szary i czarny. Para znajduje si na złotym tle.

DKJO! – Gustav Klimt – The Kiss


13.02.2025 | 18:30


Provincial Center for Culture Animation
Toruń, 75-77 Kościuszki St. | 4th floor. | room 407


Free entry

Additional information

Duration of the event: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes

During the next meeting of the One Picture Discussion Club (DKJo!), which will take place just in time for the evening before Valentine’s Day, we will look at one of the most important works of art of the 20th century – Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss.” A quintessential example of Viennese Art Nouveau, the painting impresses with its gilding, rich ornamentation and unique way of depicting the intimacy of lovers.

Klimt created “The Kiss” in 1907-1908, during the period of his “golden” style. The work not only became an icon of Viennese modernism, but also a symbol of love and passion, appealing to universal emotions that appeal to viewers regardless of the era.

During the meeting:

  • We will examine the significance of the rich ornamentation, gilding and patterns inspired by Byzantine art. We will discuss how Klimt combines painterly and decorative elements to create a work on the borderline between tradition and modernity.
  • We will look at the times in which the work was created, especially the Art Nouveau movement and the role of Gustav Klimt as the leader of this aesthetic revolution. We will consider how the work fits into the atmosphere of the fin de siècle – a time of turbulent social and artistic change in Europe.
  • We will discuss the historical and cultural context of the painting’s creation, especially the context of the fascination with modernism and the emancipation of women.
  • We will talk about the artist’s unique technique, which combines elements of painting and decoration, and the influence of Byzantine mosaics on his work.
  • We will analyze how Klimt depicts the relationship between two people – between intimacy and universality. We will consider the importance of corporeality and spirituality in his work.

As always, we invite you to discuss together, share your own interpretations and reflections. The meeting will be moderated by art historian Lukasz Wudarski.
