Creative Ferment | Debuts

Po lewej stronie widać czarna plamę w kształcie ludzkiej głowy. Obok-po lewej stronie jest druga, czarna, postać przypominająca dziecko.  Po prawej stronie w dolnym rogu widać mężczyznę w jasnej koszuli. Siedzi odwrócony w prawi o trzyma mikrofon przy twarzy. Za nim stoi czarny statyw i fragment perkusji. W tle jest zielona ściana. Nad nią wiszą dwie lampy, oświetlające scenę.

Creative Ferment | Debuts – Open the door to your artistic career!

Are you a young artist with a passion, but you have not yet had the opportunity to show your work to a wider audience? The project “Creative Ferment | Debuts” is the perfect space for you!

What is this project?

“Creative Ferment” is an initiative that supports young artists from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, helping them to organize various artistic events, including: concerts, exhibitions, performances, literary evenings. By realizing we want to open up even more to debuting male and female artists, to give you a space where in you can present your work to a wide audience.

Thanks to “Creative Ferment” you have a chance to make valuable contacts, get inspired from other artists and develop your craft in a dynamic, creative atmosphere.

Who is this project for?

  • If you create art, but do not make a living from it on a daily basis
  • You live in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region
  • Want to show your work to a wider audience
  • You are interested in meeting other artists and developing your skills

What do we offer?

  • Collaborate with other creators and artists from the region
  • Support in organizing your art event
  • Promotion of your event and assistance with self-promotion on social media
  • Substantive support and assistance in organizing events (from A to Z)
  • Professional technical support – sound system, lighting
  • Curatorial consultation on the presentation and placement of works and organization of exhibitions

How to apply? Fill out the application form and join the project to develop your creativity and make your dreams come true!

Don’t wait – let your talent blossom in an artistic environment!

For more details contact email:
