Photo: Mikolaj Kuras Submit a presentation to the Inspiratorium! | Community Cultural Center Until November 13 you can submit a presentation proposal to the Inspiratorium – one of the segments of the debate on participation, which will take place on November 22 in Strzelno. If you represent a cultural institution in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region and want to talk about your experience in creating participatory activities and projects, we are waiting for you. Apply!We are waiting for applications until November 13 from among the submissions we will select an institution to share its good practice in the form of a presentation (maximum 20 minutes). We will inform all applicants of the results of the call by November 15.submit a proposal to the InspiratoryThe debate takes place within the framework of the Social House of Culture project, promoted by the Wolskie Cultural Center. It is an idea for a completely new understanding of the role of local government cultural institutions. Under the banner of the Social House of Culture are seven values: diversity, creativity, co-creation, inclusiveness, sensitivity to culture, participation and cooperation. These values enrich community centers with a new type of activity. In addition to classic educational activities and cultural events, a third path is emerging – supporting grassroots activities of residents, integrating the community or including sensitive groups.The debate we are organizing together with the Cultural Center in Strzelno will focus on one of the seven values – participation, understood as including residents in the decision-making processes that determine the directions of local government cultural institutions.If you want to participate in the debate, apply today. The number of places is limited. Recruitment continues until November 15 or until the limit of places is reached.Link to application form: program:11:00 – Community Cultural Center – Who are we and where are we going? Dr. Bohdan Skrzypczak – CAL Center for Supporting Local Activity, 11:30 a.m. – Inspiratory – presentation and discussion of practices for involving residents in co-determination: Cultural antics, or participation in Strzelno – Paweł Gębala– House of Culture in Strzelno– inspiration selected from the submitted entries 12:30-13:00 – lunch break 13:00-15:00 – A joint discussion session using the “Long Table” method around the value of PARTICIPATION, i.e. involving residents in co-determination.Event partners: See more Exhaling. Reinforcement meeting | workshop 30.11.2025 About the development of people working in culture | Thursday breakfast 10.04.2025 | 11:00 DKJo! The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dalí 03.04.2025 | 18:30