
Graf8ka przedstawia salę widowiskową. Na środku ustawiono sześć rzędów czarnych krzeseł, po dwanaście w każdym. Po lewej stronie, na białej ścianie znajdują się dwie pary okiem w czarnych ramach. Na wprost miejsc siedzących znajduje się scena. Osłania ją czara czarna kurtyna. Z czarnego sufitu punktowo pada białe światło.
Fot. Marcin Mentel

We would like to invite you to rent a conference/meeting hall and smaller workshop rooms in the center of Torun, 75-77 Kosciuszki St. In our spaces you can comfortably and with the highest standards of professionalism organize concerts, conferences and conduct business training or workshop meetings.

The building’s location in a quiet neighborhood is conducive to concentration, and the modern design of the rooms is conducive to creativity. We are open to your needs, so write to us – we will try to provide everything you will need.

In our offer you will find rooms suitable for the organization of workshops, business meetings, recruitment, training, conferences or photo shoots. Each room can be arranged according to your requirements.

We offer:

  • necessary equipment such as: laptop, multimedia projector, screen, TVs, flipchart, sound system with the possibility of connecting a phone or computer
  • lighting and dimming control system
  • independently controlled air conditioning
  • prestigious decor
  • unlimited access to wireless internet,
  • technical support during the event,
  • access to spacious lobbies
  • free parking
  • coffee service and catering service on request – individual pricing.

Contact person:

Anna Weistock-Mentel
Tel./SMS 603 773 743

Detailed information about accessibility and support from WOAK for people with various needs in the accessibility declaration:
Prior to your visit and if you have any questions, please contact WOAK’s accessibility coordinator: Patrycja Gancarczyk, e-mail address:, tel./MS: 691 061 875. If necessary, we can assign a person to welcome you to our institution and inform you how to move around the building.

The small workshop room with an area of 57m2
is located on the fourth floor. This spacious and modern room is equipped with:

  • laptop, multimedia projector, screen, TVs, flipchart, sound system with the possibility to connect a phone or computer
  • lighting and shade control system
  • air conditioning
  • chairs, tables, tables, sofas, armchairs, sako bags, carpets – your choice.

Pricing: 1-3 hours of rental = 250 PLN net/h, 4-12 hours of rental 200 PLN net/h.

Załącznik nr 1 – plan graficzny

The large workshop room with an area of 95m2
is located on the fourth floor. This spacious and modern room is equipped with:

  • laptop, multimedia projector, screen, TVs, flipchart, sound system with the possibility to connect a phone or computer
  • lighting and shade control system
  • air conditioning
  • chairs, tables, tables, sofas, armchairs, sako bags, carpets – your choice.

Pricing: 1-3 hours of rental = 300zl net/h, 4-12 hours of rental 250zl net/h.

Załącznik nr 1 – plan graficzny

The conference and auditorium with an area of over 200m2
is located on the fifth floor. It is equipped with professional lighting and sound equipment ( Technical Rider – Appendix 1). The hall will accommodate an organized event of up to 300 people. This modern space is equipped with a movable acoustic wall, which allows to divide the area into two parts, which gives the possibility to organize intimate events up to 120 people.

Stage dimensions: 8 x 4 m (the stage has a retractable curtain and the possibility of ocotaration).

Pricing: 1-3 hours of rental = 550 PLN net/h, 4-12 hours of rental 500 PLN net/h.

Załącznik nr 1 – rider techniczny

Załącznik nr 2 – plan graficzny (cała sala i z podziałem)
