Mobile WOAK – purchase of equipment for cultural activities

ALT: Cyfrowa konsoleta do nagłaśniania koncertów. W tle rozmyty zarys gitary i wzmacniacza gitarowego na scenie.

WOAK’s mobility and accessibility

In the second half of the year, the Provincial Centre for Cultural Animation in Toruń will acquire the equipment necessary for a modern cultural institution. Especially one whose area of activity is a region with a population of over two million. Within the framework of a programme of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the institution will implement the project ‘Mobile WOAK – buying equipment for cultural activities’.

The project is based on two basic pillars. On the one hand, it is the mobility of the title, i.e. making it possible to organise cultural events in various places in the province. On the other hand, WOAK will become an even more accessible institution, involving people with hearing impairments and the hard of hearing in the cultural circuit.

Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the provincial government, the following equipment will be purchased: a mobile sound system, which can be used both in WOAK’s headquarters in the Cultural Mill and in various towns in the region, an equally mobile stage lighting system, as well as platforms, ramps and surrounds. An important element of the project is the purchase of an induction loop with a range of approximately 150 m, which will enable people with hearing and hearing impairments to participate in cultural events. With an emphasis on mobility, the project also involves the purchase of a car trailer, which will bring quality culture to any place in the region.

Funding from the Minister’s budget: PLN 63,000

The ‘Mobile WOAK – purchase of equipment for cultural activities’ project

as part of the programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage “Infrastructure of cultural centres”

June-December 2023

“Subsidised from the funds of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – state purpose fund”.
