Zdjęcie przedstawiające dwa szare świstaki. Skrywają się w jasnozielonej trawie. Jeden z nich stoi przodem. Drugi natomiast jest odwrócony prawym bokiem. Wyciąga przednie łapki w stronę rosnącego przed nim czerwonego maka. Grafika umieszczona jest w szarej szerokiej ramie. U dołu po lewej stronie umieszczono podpis autora tego ujęcia, którym jest Robert Bogacz.  Po prawej stronie znajduje się logotgyp w kształcie zwierzęcej łapy na białym tle i biały napis: „ Sztuka kultury”.

Polish nature photography in historical perspective | Art of photography | lecture


08.01.2025 | 17:00


Provincial Center for Culture Animation
Toruń, 75-77 Kościuszki St. | 4th floor | room 406

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Duration of the event: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes

Nature photography is not only an art of capturing the beauty of nature, but also a passion that requires great patience and determination. Why do modern people devote time, effort and considerable sums of money to take that one dream photo in difficult, often extreme conditions?

During the meeting we will look at the history of nature photography in Poland – from its beginnings until the establishment of the Union of Polish Nature Photographers. Prominent Polish photographers will be introduced, including: Adam Adamski, Janusz Kepa, Dariusz Sarnowski, Andrzej Skowronski, Karol Gierada and Włodzimierz Puchalski – a key figure in the history of Polish nature photography.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to learn about the Torun context, as it is here that the “Art of Nature International Festival of Visual Arts Inspired by Nature” has been held for years, with the 17th edition taking place on November 16-17, 2024.

The lecture will explore the mysteries of nature photography, talking about the techniques, requirements and challenges faced by contemporary enthusiasts and enthusiasts of this field of art. We will learn what it looks like in practice to capture the perfect shot, and why so many people choose to photograph nature, despite the great challenges involved.

The lecture in the series “Art of Photography” will be conducted by Stanislaw Jasinski – photographer and photography instructor, member of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers. An expert in the history of photography and a collector of antique cameras and other artifacts related to this art.
