Last places for the 2nd Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of Culture

Culture is created in cooperation. This is obvious, but it is always worth reminding: the better the cooperation, the better the culture. So how to take up, tighten, build and strengthen cooperation?
Take part in the 2nd Kuyavia-Pomerania Congress of Culture to work together with amateurs and cultural animators from the region, with freelancers and freelancers and artists, artists to develop models of fruitful cooperation for all of us.
Book in your calendar today: October 23-24. Sign up as soon as possible, as seats are limited.
You can find the Congress program and registration form at this link

The Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of Culture is held under the Honorary Patronage of the Marshal of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Region Piotr Całbecki.

Partners of the 2nd Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of Culture are: Gallery and Center for Children’s Artistic Creation, Książnica Kopernikańska in Toruń and Toruń Fonte Coffee Roastery.

Media patrons of the 2nd Kuyavian-Pomeranian Congress of Culture are: TVP3 Bydgoszcz and Polish Radio PiK.
