Zdjęcie przedstawia mężczyznę stojącego na balkonie, ubranego w czarno-białą wzorzystą koszulkę i czarny kapelusz. Ma okulary i tatuaż na ramieniu. Mężczyzna patrzy w dal i lekko się uśmiecha. W tle widać ulicę z zaparkowanymi samochodami oraz budynki mieszkalne.

Holiday creative workshops

Film. Music. Painting – if you are fascinated by any of these fields of art, take part in our summer creative workshops. Grzegorz Kazmierski invites you to the Intensive Film Workshop 15+ in the second week of July. Find out that you too can create films according to your idea and script.

Tomasz CEBO (pictured) is a man of many talents. A visual artist, musician and performer. That’s why we invited him to two different ventures. First, from July 15-26 he will lead a music workshop Compose a soundtrack for a performance. You will spend your time creatively and learn the secrets of beatboxing, how to use a looper, and learn how to use different sound sources as non-obvious musical instruments. At the end of the summer vacation, we invite those who like to express themselves and their emotions with paint to the Sprint after Techniques painting workshop with Tomasz Cebo. In five days you will learn five different painting techniques. At the end – an exhibition of participants’ works.

Sign up today – group size is limited. Sequence of applications decides.

The project is co-financed by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Culture – a state purpose fund.

The project was subsidized from the budget of the Local Government of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.
