Zdjęcie z czarnym tłem, z którego wyłania się twarz mężczyzny w średnim wieku. Mężczyzna ma  brodę i wąsy oraz poważnie patrzy się

Film networking | meeting with Igor Podgorskiy


08.06.2024 | 17:00


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury
Toruń, ul. Kościuszki 75-77 | 4. piętro | sala 407

Show on map

Additional information

Duration of the event: about 3 hours (17:00-20:00)

Notes: Free admission | Registration is required at:
https://forms.gle/1sdycK3EReCroc8ZA or by phone: 609 662 968

Are you interested in cinema? Are you filmmakers/creators and looking for a space for an open exchange of ideas? Or maybe you are interested in learning the secrets of filmmaking? If you answered all the questions in the affirmative – come to the next meeting of “Film networking”. Together with our guest Igor Podgorski – filmmaker, trainer and speaker – we will create a space for networking and exchange of experiences for people interested in cinematography.

The meeting is aimed at all people interested in film, including:

  • Film makers
  • Students of film schools
  • Amateurs of cinema
  • Individuals seeking inspiration and knowledge about film production

Igor Podgórski – filmmaker, trainer and speaker. He conducts online courses, consultations, trainings and workshops on filmmaking. He is a camera operator and colorist. Produces advertising films for companies. He co-hosts the SUPER35 podcast. He has worked with brands such as Canon, Samsung, T-Mobile, TVN24, Netia, Dawtona, Azoty, Carl ZEISS, Fujitsu, SAP, Obag, EPEE and Bielenda, among others.
